Saturday, February 7, 2009

God's Word | What Churches Follow It?

Bible Question, Bible Sermons, Jesus Christ, Word of God
Where can we find churches who preach God's Word? Does God's Word still exist in the churches of the last days? Will God's Word remain the only truth heading into the evil "falling away" of the saints of God in the last days? The truth is that God's Word will prevail over all evil forces in the last days, if we repent as a nation and turn back to God and His Word!!! We must continually search for The Bible Question if we really want to find it.

We have read about the damage caused by the "itching ears" doctrine of these the last days. As my teachings have been moving forward, I have brought to light many issues of the American Church and some dangerous people who we need to be careful of. In this entry I am going to enlighten my audience on some topics that are discussed in God's Word. Most of the times, if you have been following along with me--you have noticed that I make reference to God's Word in my posts. THE REASON I DO NOT QUOTE GOD'S WORD IS BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO GET UP OFF YOUR COUCHES AND STUDY GOD'S WORD ON YOUR OWN!!!

Now what I want to teach you today is how you can know for sure if your church is lining itself up with the Word of God. First I recommend that you get out of your denominational church, unless it is Southern Baptist because they are the only denomination who preaches the true Word of God. Next I recommend that you find a church that is nondenominational where they preach God's Word all by itself, BUT DO NOT GO BECAUSE YOUR FRIENDS SAY IT IS FUN. Find a church through intense prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth by seeking the Word of God. Chances are very good that the church you are led to is NOT GOING TO BE POPULAR WITH THE CROWDS. Church leaders are not supposed to find favor with men or prostitute God's Word. A mega church (not in all cases) in most cases is going to be a POPULAR CHURCH AMONG MEN, so if you check one out be very careful with analyzing it. Again---WORD OF GOD ALONE!!!

When you go to a church that God's Word resides in and He showers it with spiritual blessings--you will find that the preacher is sold out for God's Word and God alone. HE WILL NOT MAKE REFERENCE TO MONEY IN ANY CASE. He will talk about love, he will talk about repentance--often God's true anointed ones will break down in tears as they are preaching God's Word. You will recognize a man's sincerity by the fruit that He bears. Why would a man break down? Because he is convicted by the sin that is going on in his congregation!!! He knows people will go to HELL if he does not lead them correctly according to God's Word!!! GOT IT?

The reason churches that belong to God are not full of members is because they preach the Word of God in spirit and in truth. I have spoken before in this blog about how the truth hurts. Most people will not listen to the truth because they want someone to tickle their fancies. So often, these soft "relaxed" Christians will leave the church that convicts them, and settle in a place where they can see all of their friends and listen to a pastor who will make them laugh and tell them what they want to hear. When the true fact of the matter is--THESE PEOPLE ARE NO MORE CHRISTIAN THAN YOU AND I ARE ROCK STARS!!!

Your very eternal destiny is at risk when you are trying to choose a church. Especially in America. Choose wisely! That is why I tell you to leave your church. You will find true salvation and faith in Christ simply by studying the Word of God. Whether you do it with a small group or by yourself, it is up to you. JUST DO IT!!!

Find a BIBLE-BASED church that does not have any creeds, or extra doctrines, or weird twisting of scriptures. Look for a church where the parking lot is not full. The Holy Spirit will guide you if you let Him. Make sure that the church you are attending is preaching the spirit of God as the Holy Trinity: FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT. DO NOT SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS. When you find a church that preaches God's Word as it is supposed to be preached you will know it... Have a great weekend!

*NOTE TO MY SUBSCRIBERS* - Folks, If you are blessed by this blog and you are learning something, I am thankful. NOW I WANT YOU TO GET INVOLVED AND LET OTHERS HEAR YOUR VOICES. I am petitioning all of you to start leaving comments. If we are going to share the truths of God with others, then all of us need to play a part. Thanks and God Bless.


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