Monday, January 26, 2009

The Great Tribulation

Bible Question, Bible Sermons, Jesus Christ, Word of God
Most blogs or articles that have been written about "The Tribulation" and "The Great Tribulation" set up arguments as to whether we will have a (Pre-Trib) or (Post-Trib) rapture of the Bride of Christ, or will there be any rapture at all? Writers of The Tribulation and The Great Tribulation like to bring up conflicting Bible verses where all they really do is inflict confusion and damage to the youth of the Body of Christ. I know the truth about the rapture... THERE WILL BE NO ARGUING ABOUT "PRE-TRIB" OR "POST TRIB" ON THIS SITE... Those of you who do operate under ignorance about The Tribulation and The Great Tribulation might want to study up on how things work with a Jewish wedding. Why does the groom arrive and sweep up the bride in secret? Have you ever studied Hebrew? NO! "God does not appoint HIS children to wrath."

To clarify, "The Tribulation" is a 7 year period called "The Time of Jacob's Trouble" by God that will be introduced when The Anti-Christ signs a 7 year peace treaty with Israel. 3 1/2 years later he is going to break that treaty to cause The Great Tribulation. It will be during this time that God will release his wrath upon the earth. (KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A PART OF ANY OF THIS IF YOU WOULD JUST HONOR GOD AND GIVE YOUR LIFE TO HIM.)

Let's say for argument's sake that you (in all of your intelligence) are going to face "The Great Tribulation." Now go to the Bible and read where Jesus says, "that not one life would be saved if HE did not return when HE did." That would represent his "GLORIOUS APPEARING" at the end of "The Great Tribulation." Let me paint the picture for you. After the rapture (whether you believe in it or not) the entire world is going to be in chaos. So, how do you want to die? Would you like to have your head cut off in a bloody massacre of anyone who professes to worship Jesus Christ during The Great Tribulation? Perhaps you would like a bullet in your head, or maybe two when a civil war breaks out in America during The Great Tribulation, and everyone is literally barely breathing because of food shortages, and the seizure of automobiles, along with every other form of transportation. A stabbing or mutilation from some crazy clown down the street during The Great Tribulation would be interesting. How about getting sucked up into a tornado when the violence of God's judgment engulfs the entire earth during The Great Tribulation? If you think those fires in California are something terrible now, just wait until God removes "the restrainer" when The Great Tribulation begins and lets THE GATES OF HELL take power on the earth with no restraint. Hmm... Sounds like fun doesn't it? Hangin' out waiting for The Antichrist's black force military police to come and get you during The Great Tribulation while you chew on each others flesh is not the way I would want to spend my days and nights. Go ahead and keep on believing that there will be no rapture. Then you will get your wish, and you can enjoy "The Great Tribulation" with all of your friends.

During the time of "The Great Tribulation" folks, there will not be any sunny days. I don't think you understand just how bad GOD'S JUDGMENT AND WRATH UPON THE EARTH is going to be during The Great Tribulation. If you are left behind when "The Great Tribulation" begins, then you my dear friend are going to DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH!!! Let's get creative. How about dying in The Great Tribulation by feeling nuclear, chemical, or biological fumes oozing down your throat and melting all of your insides. That is precisely what will happen during a well organized terrorist attack, targeting the US after WORLD WAR III begins, or perhaps before. A nice bomb targeting your city or neighborhood sounds like a fun way to die. You get the picture. Nobody knows when the rapture is going to happen... If we are still here when war breaks out then all we have to do is refer to Psalm 91. If you haven't read or studied that verse, then BREAK OUT YOUR BIBLE RIGHT NOW!!! That promise still stands today for those of us who belong to GOD.

Do you belong to GOD? Are you sure? You better be! You also better be looking up and expecting Jesus to come back for HIS bride, if you want to ESCAPE THE WRATH TO COME. Repent. For the Kingdom of Heaven draweth nigh, and avoid The Great Tribulation.

Bible Question, Bible Sermons, Jesus Christ, Word of God

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