Wednesday, January 28, 2009

American Church | Where is the United States of Blasphemica headed?

Bible Question, Bible Sermons, Jesus Christ, Word of God
I touched before on how most people from around the world think that the American Church is a farce. American churches just don't understand how spoiled they are. When someone from another country gives their life to Jesus Christ, a lot of times they are doing it knowing that they will most assuredly DIE as soon as they accept HIM. Can you grasp that blasphemous American Church? When an American Church member gets "saved" or so they think, the only thing that happens is a prayer is spoken. Then they wake up the next day and carry on as if nothing happened. If that describes what has happened to you in the past in your church in America, THEN YOU ARE NOT SAVED.

Do you think that people who are starving in Africa need to hear about how to "sow seeds into good ground so they can reap a harvest of blessing?" THEY COULD GIVE A CRAP LESS. Truth be told, they know that they are still going to be starving tomorrow no matter what a preacher says. However, when they accept Christ it changes the condition of their hearts' so they can face tomorrow with a renewed sense of power. Then they begin to set their eyes on HEAVEN and all that God has for them. Some of them don't even know what MONEY is. As for the American Church, it is basically all they think about.

Churches in Africa hold prayer meetings where everyone in the entire congregation shows up and they PRAY FOR THREE DAYS STRAIGHT!!! No sleep and no food. That is the kind of love and admiration that God is looking for from HIS American church. GOD WANTS OBEDIENCE AND GOD WANTS SACRIFICE!!!

Churches and leaders in America do not understand what those terms mean. With all the twisted scripture and sugar coatings that we use in our American churches... no wonder we live in total deception. Then what happens is... people like myself and "Prophecies of Revelation" get arguments from others who have been sitting in these American churches for years. THEY BASE THEIR ARGUMENTS ON WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN TAUGHT IN THEIR AMERICAN CHURCH BY A SOFT PASTOR, INSTEAD OF GOING TO THE WORD OF GOD AND FINDING OUT THE TRUTH.

Perception is reality. What you learn in the American Church is all you may now be able to perceive. IF YOU HAVE NOT LEARNED ABOUT TRUTH IN THE AMERICAN CHURCH, THEN YOU CANNOT PERCEIVE IT WHEN SOMEONE ELSE POINTS IT OUT TO YOU. The reason that I (in some cases) tell you to leave your American church is not because I think your pastor is a bad guy, or you are an idiot for listening to them. I tell you this because I estimate that 75% or more of the church pastors in America teach false doctrine. Why do they teach false doctrine? They are in deception just like everyone else. Over the course of time in our nation, our American Church leaders have gone astray. The Bible has been prostituted in the American Church. It has changed so much since the early American church preaching, that it doesn't even look the same any more. GOD IS ALL ABOUT DISCIPLINE!!! Hence the term "disciple" There is almost no discipline in the teachings of the churches in America. If so it is extremely rare.

The whole concept of "live and let live" has been adopted in American church society in just about any place you may go. Then you find people who follow this American Church concept trying to implement it into GOD'S WORD, which is absurd. The motive behind Satan's anti-christ system stems from this concept. That we are all equal, we are all human, and we are all one. So naturally, all roads must lead to the same God, right? NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!! The American Church is headed down a rocky road if she does not repent.

The fact is that WE ARE NOT ONE!!! America has become a complete "Melting Pot." God never intended it to be that way. Nations are divided for a reason, and God deals with each of them in different ways. Even in these troubled times, American church members are still: FAT, DUMB, AND HAPPY. Most of you have no idea what is really going on in the world today. YOU REALLY DON'T, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO ARGUE ABOUT IT. You have no knowledge of the truth, because all you do is listen to a deceived American Church pastor or teacher. Am I beginning to make sense yet?

You absolutely cannot survive the times that are coming if you DON'T PICK UP YOUR CROSS DAILY AND LIVE FOR JESUS CHRIST ALONE AWAY FROM YOUR AMERICAN CHURCH. I have said this over and over again, but I am not going to stop saying it until people start to question themselves and their American churches. SEARCH FOR TRUTH. SEARCH FOR LIFE. SEARCH FOR WISDOM. You are not going to find it in an American church.


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