Sunday, March 8, 2009

"Economic Crisis": What About it Fellow Christians?

Since "economic crisis" is the catch phrase of this administration, I want to explain some things that you as a fellow Christian are going to need to know in order to prosper in every area of life while looking towards the future. The economic crisis is a hot topic nowadays, so I want to show you how to deal with it. Economic crisis' are not new in this country, they have been going on since the beginning of time. Hopefully I can shed some light on the economic crisis so we as Christians can focus on the future without fear.

First off, is this the economic crisis of the end of time? NO! Will this economic crisis cripple my hope of ever making enough money to support my family? DEPENDS ON WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT KIND OF FAITH YOU HAVE. Does this economic crisis have power over my future since so many people are giving up and tail spinning into depression and anxiety? NOT IF YOU DON'T LET IT HAPPEN! Will this economic crisis ever end? YES! How can I do something to change this economic crisis? WORK YOUR BUTT OFF EVERY DAY KNOWING THAT YOU ARE WORKING FOR ALMIGHTY GOD! What if this economic crisis has caused me to be laid off from my job, should I give up then? NO! PRAY WITHOUT CEASING AND TRUST GOD TO PROVIDE FOR YOU UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!

Folks, this economic crisis is not the end of the world. It is true that Obama is a marxist clown who is trying to shift this country into an economic downfall through the economic crisis, so everyone will welcome his "BIG GOVERNMENT"/ "SOCIALISTIC" policies. But you still have the ability to think FOR YOURSELVES, and you don't have to succomb to the "economic crisis!!!" Those who voted for "the messiah" have been deceived by Satan just like they were deceived into becoming liberals in the first place. Blacks have been deceived by our corrupt government, so they think they hate white people, and vice versa.

The truth is my dear believers, that Obama is not even black. If you do the research you will find that he is more Arabic than anything else. Obama is a puppet-on-a-string ECONOMIC CRISIS supporter used by the government to bring about fear mongering through the main-stream media and the "economic crisis," so that the corrupt bankers of the world will be able to usher in a New World Order through the economic crisis of the end of time--Which will be followed by the leadership of the Anti-Christ.

Don't listen to all the fear tactics!!! This economic crisis is nowhere near as bad as they want you to think it is!!! THINK FOR YOURSELF!!! IF YOU HAVE BEEN LAID OFF, START A BUSINESS. IF YOU HAVE NO FOOD, FIND A CHURCH TO HELP YOU. Don't let the economic crisis paralize you. Don't let the economic crisis scare you. Don't let the economic crisis change the way you operate. God will keep you in all of your ways if you trust HIM!!!

I have told you before that God wants repentance!!! If you choose to repent and trust in HIM to provide for your every need, HE WILL!!! God does not even blink an eye at the so called "economic crisis." HE ALLOWS IT TO HAPPEN SO WE WILL ALL TURN BACK TO HIM AND POUR OUR HEARTS' OUT TO HIM!!!

Be strong in the Lord and the power of HIS might!!! Study the Bible every day. REPENT. Take authority over the economic crisis.


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