Thursday, February 19, 2009

Praising God! How Important Can it Be?

As my Christian walk has developed over the years on my path to praising God, I have been a follower of many doctrines, denominations, and teaching styles. I started out as a confirmed Episcopalian, went to an Episcopal boarding school, attended an Episcopal church... then as I got closer to the Lord I realized that the only thing that mattered to God was my personal everyday relationship with Him, and praising God was what what I needed to focus on the most. God doesn't give a rip about all the other stuff that goes along with Christianity. Every doctrine and twist of scripture that has ever been assembled is from MAN AND MAN ALONE! God has nothing to do with any of it.

If you look to our first example of how to enter into a relationship with God, just go back and read about Adam and Eve. The Bible says that Adam and Eve spent their days walking around in the Garden of Eden fellowshipping with the Lord and praising God. Obviously they did other things... but the most important lesson we can learn from them was that they spent time with God every day and they went about praising God in a very serious manner.

It is that simple beloved, praising God is all you need to learn!!! If you want to have a relationship with God, where you know He is pleased with your progress--and you want to know that your relationship with Him is growing... then all you have to do is love on Him and continue praising Him as you walk with God. Talk to Him. Sing songs to Him. Pray and ask for forgiveness from Him. Pour your heart out to Him. If you have children, then look to your relationship with them. You love it when they spend time with you because they want to. Don't you?

God has a way of opening a precious door that no man can shut. It is a way towards blessing--that if you will follow these directions you will know the way down this precious road to the favor of God--NO MATTER WHAT THE ECONOMY IS DOING!!! We all want God to be pleased with us. We all want God to find favor with us and bless us. That is human nature. Now I am going to give you the key to this door. I am telling you, that if you have been praying and asking for God to do something in your life for a long time, and nothing seems to be happening... then this key will get you to your place of blessing so quickly that it will make your heads' spin.

Are you ready? GOD LOVES TO BE PRAISED!!! That is the key. He absolutely adores inhabiting the praises of His people. The devil would have you believe that GOD IS A RELIGIOUS GOD, PRIM AND PROPER, SILENT AND REVERENT... THAT IS A CROCK OF YOU KNOW WHAT!!! If you can muster up the confidence to PRAISE GOD AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE GOING THROUGH SOMETHING THAT IS ABOUT TO BREAK YOU, WATCH AND SEE IF YOU DON'T BUST RIGHT THROUGH YOUR PROBLEM AND MAKE IT TO THE OTHER SIDE IN RECORD TIME. Praise God. Praise God. Praise God. Do it when you don't feel like it the most. Thank Him for everything over and over and over again. Do it in your spirit. Do it in sweet song. Do it in the shower. Do it all day long!!! NOTHING BUT NOTHING WILL MOVE THE HAND OF GOD LIKE PRAISE.

It took me decades to finally realize what God loves the most. You will never have an empty cup again if you get into the habit of praise. PRAISE IS THE KEY TO GOD'S VERY OWN HEART!!! Do not be religious and quiet when you are praising Him. BE RADICAL. GET LOUD. SHOW EXCITEMENT. Your spirit will rise to new levels, and your relationship with praising Almighty God will never be the same if you add this to your Christian walk!!!


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